Granny Patch Quilt - the Campfire baby version

Well friends, I'm back with yet another Granny Patch sample and this time, we're going small with the baby size. Everyone, meet the Campfire color-way!
My aim for this quilt was to be a little more toned down and muted and I think we hit the nail on the head! I actually kind of regret not making this quilt larger, since I love these colors so much...but it was actually really great to have a small quick project. Overall, I really love the end result!
This quilt was a part of the testing process as I was writing Granny Patch. The baby size is slightly different from the rest in the sense that you'll have some colors repeat in the blocks. According to the pattern, each block has 5 colors, but with the baby there will be at least one block that only has 4. It's not a big deal at all, but if you're someone who wants more variety, you could add an extra quarter yard or FQ to the mix. This means you'll have some waste, which is ultimately why we decided against it in the pattern, but know that it's an option. :) With this quilt, we made it exactly according to the pattern and I think it turned out perfectly!
Kara (@hollandhomesteaddesigns), our Community Manager pieced the quilt top and I was SO eager and excited to quilt it. I don't know about you, but quilting smaller projects is my FAVORITE. It takes so much less time (and stress) to baste and the quilting process is over soon after it begins. It's a quick win, which always gets me jazzed!
Fabrics used for this Granny Patch quilt top are all Robert Kaufman Kona solids:
- Foreground: Graphite, Cedar, Sea Mist, White
- Background: Fog
For this quilt, I didn't have any batting that was big enough, so I pieced two smaller batting scraps together using a zigzag stitch. I need to do this more scrap batting bin is overflowing and I need to put it all to good use! Do you do this? I shared an IG Reel of the process and a few of you chimed in and said that you combine batting scraps using fusible table. Smart!
The last page of the pattern has two bonus quilting ideas. I say "bonus" because I just started adding these to the end of patterns (Mosaic Star is the only other one that has it). Hopefully you find them inspirational and helpful when thinking about how to finish your quilt. The very first idea on the page is this cross-hatch design, which is SO easy to execute with this pattern! Stitch lines diagonally through each corner of the squares and you're done! I also have an IG Reel of this process too.
The binding is my go-to stripe, AGF Backroads Umber by Bonnie Christine and the backing is another AGF print by Bonnie Christine called Valley View. (This specific color-way appears to be discontinued).
I used a cream color thread for the front and back of my quilt. The cross-hatch texture is one of my favorites when it comes to quilting. It's so simple and easy, yet SO striking and beautiful. All in all, this quilting only took me a few hours. The baby size Granny Patch would make a great little weekend project!
Happy Sewing!