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Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 4

Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 4

Welcome to Week 4 of the Quilt Along! 


This week, we are continuing to make our blocks. If you are creating the Traditional version of Interwoven, you are making all of your Block 2's. If you are making a Modern version, you'll be doing Colors 3 and 4 (Baby) OR Colors 3, 4 and 5 (Throw)


Hopefully you established a good rhythm and flow last week. Sewing these strips sets go by quickly if you have a good routine!



I've gotten some question about the strip piecing method that I mentioned last week. I took some time to explain it via video in my Instagram stories (I have it saved in my highlights). So I also thought that I'd explain it here, in case anyone was still having trouble finding their rhythm. 


The ideas is that you group similar tasks together. So if I am making a strip set of ten strips, I'll chain piece 5 sets of 2 strips. Chain piecing simply means that you use a continuous seam to sew some pieces together. Take a look below.


Then you'll snip that connecting seam or "chain", press your seams open, then chain piece some more. Repeat this process until your strip set it sewn together.











I hope this helps you to figure out a rhythm that works for you!

Still needs some help with your blocks? Refer back to the Week 3 blog post to read my key points on making your blocks. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions!


This week, our prize is sponsored by Kaitlyn of Knot and Thread! You might know Kaitlyn by her beautiful long-arm quilting! She is one of my favorite quilters to follow on Instagram, as she is always working on the most beautiful projects! She also writes super fun and gorgeous patterns! She even has a shower curtain pattern! Isn't that fun?



Be sure you check her out and give her some love! One lucky winner will have his/her choice of FOUR of Kaitlyn's patterns! All you have to do to enter is post a progress photo of your Week 4 Interwoven quilt, and use the hashtag #interwovenqal (your account must be public, otherwise, we won't see!). You have until Sunday 2/24 to share your photo and the winner will be chosen the following day.

Happy sewing! See you next week :)


