Knitted Star QAL - Week 6

It's Week 6 of the Quilt Along!
This week, we are doing more block construction. It's a continuation of the previous three weeks, so be sure to refer back to Week 3 and Week 4 if you are needing sewing tips!
If you are making the Traditional version, you'll be constructing the "Block Sashing "and "Block Assembly" portion of the pattern. If you are making the Modern Throw, create 2 blocks. If you are making the Modern Bed, create 6 blocks.
Someone in the Facebook group suggested a new tip a few days ago and I thought it was worth sharing! If you notice that your strips are getting a little wonky, check the pressure on your presser foot. Most machines (that I know of) have the capability to adjust presser foot pressure. If your presser foot is pushing down as hard as it'll go, that could be making your fabric shift ever-so-slightly as it's fed through the machine. You can also use a walking foot to help insure that the two pieces stay evenly aligned.
Week 5 Prize Winner:
The winner of the gift card to Lamb and Loom Fabrics is @shellyeahimadethis ! Congrats!! Please send me an email and I'll get you in contact with Linli!
Week 6 Prize:
There isn't a prize this week, but keep sharing your progress! Here are a few progress shots from the #knittedstarqal hashtag on Instagram!


There are so many more...I wish I could share all of them! If you haven't yet, take a look around the hashtag and see everyone's beautiful progress!
Next week is a catch-up week, so use that time if you need it. :) There is an AWESOME prize lined up next week, so be sure to check back here. You won't want to miss it!
Then the following week will be the FINAL week of the Quilt Along! We will be cutting our "edge" blocks in half and assembling our quilt tops. The nice part about these blocks is that they're BIG, and once you've created all of them, there aren't very many seams left until your quilt top is created!
You're doing great!
See ya'll next week,