The Lois Quilt Collection

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
I was inspired to learn how to quilt after my grandmother Lois passed away. Some people assume that she was the one to teach me to quilt, but sadly, I never really showed any interest while she was alive. When she passed away, I then became curious about this craft that she loved so much. I taught myself the basics and quickly fell in love. For me, it was so much more than just a was a way to honor her memory and enjoy something similar. In fact, she is the "Lo" in "Lo & Behold Stitchery." I wish, more than anything, that I could show her how much I now love her special hobby. She is the reason why I do what I do, and I love carrying her memory with me while I create.
In 2019, I had an idea. What if there was a way that we could still create together? What if I could "connect" with her by not only making a quilt, but collaborating on an idea that mixes old with new. That's when the Lois Quilt Collection was born.
The Lois Quilt Collection is inspired by the quilts that my "Granny" created for me and my family. While she was traditional quilter, I am adding a modern spin to her traditional style. Each quilt in the collection will reflect a quilt that she created, but also share a taste of my own ideas. First Gift is the first installment in the collection.
First Gift
First Gift is inspired by my baby quilt that my grandmother made me. She used a traditional block combination called "Round the Twist" or "Celtic Twist".
Model Farm
I named this quilt "Model Farm" after the road that my grandparents lived on for over 50 years. In this quilt, she used traditional log cabin blocks.
.Ombre Puff Quilt
Ombre Puff was inspired by my puff quilt that granny made me using scrap fabrics and clothing. This is such a special quilt and my treasured prized possession. I recreated this quilt using modern fabrics and an ombre gradient across the quilt.

Scrappy Windows is a cathedral window inspired quilt that was inspired by a sampler quilt that my granny made.

And, YES. There are more Lois Quilt Collection quilts in the works. :)