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Nightingale Quilt - the Kismet version

Nightingale Quilt - the Kismet version

NIGHTINGALE quilt pattern is NOW available!

I'm sure ya'll have seen the new Kismet fabric collection? I have been looking forward to this collection for MONTHS! Sharon Holland recently released it with Art Gallery Fabrics, and let me tell you....they're PERFECT. 







We have quilt kits for this quilt top, as well as the backing fabric in our shop!

Since there are 16 fabrics in the collection, I decided to make the Square throw, which has 16 blocks and is 60" square. Similar to my Homecoming cover quilt and my Knitted Star cover quilt, I went with a darker background (Magnetism) with this one....I really feel like it makes everything really pop! I LOVE how simple and straight-forward the background cutting is. You literally only have to cut one size square! Once everything was cut, I organized them into piles, then carefully mixed up my pieces. I say "carefully" because I definitely put more thought into this quilt than I did with my cover quilt. I not only wanted to consider colors and values, but also the scale of the prints. I knew that I was going to try to make all of my directional fabrics go the same way in my blocks, so I also wanted to only use one directional fabric per block...just to try to make it easier down the road.

I have a blog post for using directional fabrics with Nightingale!








    It was so fun to watch these blocks come together!









    I decided to quilt this quilt myself. This is actually one of my goals for 2021....I want to finish more quilts myself! I'm currently enrolled in String & Story's Free Motion Quilting Academy, so that's one step. But there is also a LOT that I can do with just my walking foot! I wanted to try out a simple geometric design with this quilt. The end result has LOTS of texture! Keep scrolling!





    You can find my pin basting tutorial here.

    You can find my walking foot tutorial here.

    I used my trusty Janome 6700P and stitched lines that were 2 inches apart. Then I rotated my quilt 90 degrees and stitched lines that were 1 inch apart. This created a rectangle grid.




    Then, I stitched lines diagonally going in both directions so that they intersected in the grid portion of the design. Ohhhhhh the texture! I don't think I realized just how dense this would be, but I do really love how it gives a "vintage" feel. In hindsight, since I was trying to finish this quilt rather quickly, I probably should have made larger rectangles in the maybe 3" one way and 2" the other. But again, I think this quilt will have lots of yummy crinkle once it's washed and dried, so ultimately, I'm happy with the scale. All in all, I estimate that the quilting took be about 15 hours? I didn't keep track, but that seems about right.



    I didn't draw any of these lines before hand, I just went for it. For the vertical and horizontal lines, I used the seams on my quilt as my guide and for the diagonal lines, I used the grid intersections as my guide. It was a little tricky getting the angle of the lines correct when I was initially starting my stitch line, but after some practice, it got a lot easier.

    Just a word of caution, if you decide to give this a try: not ALL of my intersections lined up. There were some areas that were pretty off. At first, this worried me and I thought that it'd be noticeable and distracting. However, once it was all finished, you really can't tell! So even if it's not perfect, keep on pluggin' away!










    I also love how this quilting gives the quilt a "garden lattice" kind of feel. It plays nicely with the romantic florals, and overall I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out! I'll definitely be using this technique again!

    I used a dark gray thread for the front of my quilt so that it'd blend in with the Magnetism. Then for the back, I used a cream color thread, since my backing is mostly cream. I'm so glad that I went with two different threads!

    For my binding, I was planning on using the mustard yellow print, since it's one of my favorite colors. But once I got it all quilted, I felt like it need just a solid I went with Magnetism. I machine stitched the binding onto the front of my quilt and hand stitched it down using DMC pearl cotton #8 thread, which I explain in this tutorial. 
















    I'd love to see what you all create! Please tag me on social media @loandbeholdstitchery and use the hashtags #nightingalequilt & #loandbeholdpatterns. 

    Don't Forget! All digital and paper patterns are 20% off through 11/22. Discount applied at checkout - no code needed!
