Getaway Quilt Along

Find details, along with resources, tips and tricks by clicking the underlined links below!
- Week 4 - Quilt Top Assembly
- Week 3 - Sewing Blocks
- Week 2 - Seam Allowance & Making Blocks
- How to Test Your Seam Allowance
- Week 1 - Cut Fabrics
- How to Cut WOF Strips
- How to Chose Fabrics for Getaway
Getaway Quilt Along details:
- WHO: You, me and other quilters from around the world!
- WHAT: A four week Quilt Along; each week we'll complete a portion of the Getaway quilt pattern and by the end, we'll have a beautifully finished quilt top! Plus we'll share progress and cheer each other on along the way. It's a fun time. :)
- WHEN: June 10 - July 8 ; information will be saved on our website if you cannot participate at this particular time.
- WHERE: We'll be sharing weekly QAL content straight to your inbox, so if you're subscribed to this newsletter, you're good to go! You can share weekly progress photos to IG to enter to win prizes. You do not need social media to participate, but you do need a public IG account to enter to win prizes.
- WHY: Sewing with friends is FUN! Plus I'll be sharing lots of helpful tips for the Getaway pattern.
- How do I sign up? There's no official sign up. We'll be sending out links to content via this newsletter. You'll need to purchase either a PDF or Printed copy of the Getaway Quilt Pattern.
We have 6 different Getaway kits to choose from in our shop!
Coloring Pages
You can find PDF coloring pages here. Getaway is also on Prequilt (free digital coloring pages)!