Getaway QAL - Week 4 (Quilt Top Assembly)
Hello hello and welcome back to the fourth and final week of the Getaway QAL! I hope you've enjoy...
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Getaway QAL - Week 3 (Sewing Block 1)
Hey there and welcome back to the Getaway QAL! If you're just now joining us, Here's a look at w...
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Getaway QAL - Week 2 (Sewing Block 2s)
Hey there and welcome back to the Getaway QAL! If you're just now joining us, you can find our W...
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Getaway QAL - Week 1 (Cutting)
It's Week 1 of the Getaway Quilt Along! This week is all about choosing, prepping, and cutting your fabric.
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Getaway Quilt Along
Find details, along with resources, tips and tricks by clicking the underlined links below!
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