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Heirloom Hearts QAL - Week 4

Heirloom Hearts QAL - Week 4

Alright, my friends....we are moving right along! It is the fourth week of the Quilt Along, meaning we are assembling our Forty-Nine Patch Blocks! After this week, we will be ready to assemble our quilt tops! Let's finish strong and get these Heirloom Hearts finished by Valentines Day. :)

If you are just now joining us, here's a look at our schedule. If you need to go back to any of the weeks, click on where you see the underline.



If you successfully completed last week, then this week should be a breeze! Refer to Step 4 under the "Forty Nine Patch Blocks" (FNP) sewing instructions in your pattern. You are simply creating 3 rows, then sewing those rows together. Here are some tips for this week:

  • Remember to press seams toward the Background squares. This will give you nesting seams from row to row.
  • Chain piecing tip: Multiply 3 times the number of FNP Blocks that you need for your size, and that'll tell you how many Background squares and Nine Patch Blocks to chain piece at first. So for the throw size, you'll chain piece 84 Background squares and Nine Patch Blocks. Then I'll press those seams, and then chain piece the remainder of the rows. 


  • Sometimes the Nine Patch Blocks can be a little wonky. As best as you can, center them on the Background squares and align as many sides as possible.


  • Press the row seams open. Remember to pat your iron up and down instead of sliding from side to side. This will help already pressed seams stay open.


  • Use a tailor's clapper and/or place something heavy on the blocks after you press them to help the seams stay nice and flat. 


Remember that as you create these blocks, the Chain portion that is along the edges will look a little longer than the Chain pieces on the inside of the block. Once you sew this block to the next block, the seam allowance will make them look like a square. You want these blocks to be exactly the same size as the Heart blocks, as indicated in the pattern. 




We have one giant Grand Prize bundle! Enter to win the bundle by sharing a weekly photo of your progress. Use the hashtags #heirloomheartsQAL, #heirloomheartsquilt and #loandbeholdpatterns and you'll be automatically entered to win! Just make sure your account is public so that we can see your post. :)

Each week, I'll reveal one portion of the prize bundle. Remember that one winner will win everything in the bundle!!

This week, we are adding a gorgeous 24 piece FQ "Revive" Bundle by Then Came June!



Here's what our Grand Prize bundle looks like so far:


Alright! The hard part is behind you!! Next week, we will assemble both our Heart and Forty-Nine Patch blocks and then we'll be done! 

See you then :)
