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Deco QAL - Week 2

Deco QAL - Week 2

Welcome back to the Deco QAL!  SCHEDULE Here's a look at where we've been and where we are goin...
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Deco QAL - Week 1

Deco QAL - Week 1

Welcome to the Deco Quilt Along (QAL)! I'm so excited that you're here!.. A little about me.... I...
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Deco Quilt Along

Deco Quilt Along

.   . We will be making the Throw size in either the Modern or Traditional color-way.  Here's ...
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Ombre Puff QAL - Week 7

Ombre Puff QAL - Week 7

We've come such a long way!! It's Week 7! Here's a look at where we've been and where we are goi...
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Ombre Puff QAL - Week 6

Ombre Puff QAL - Week 6

Welcome back puff quilters! It's Week 6! Here's a look at where we've been and where we are goin...
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Ombre Puff QAL - Week 5

Ombre Puff QAL - Week 5

Welcome back puff quilters! It's Week 5! Here's a look at where we've been and where we are goin...
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Ombre Puff QAL - Week 4

Ombre Puff QAL - Week 4

Welcome back puff quilters! It's Week 4! Here's a look at where we've been and where we are goin...
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Ombre Puff QAL - Week 3

Ombre Puff QAL - Week 3

Welcome back puff quilters! It's Week 3! Here's a look at where we've been and where we are goin...
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Ombre Puff QAL - Week 2

Ombre Puff QAL - Week 2

Hello hello! And welcome back! It's Week 2 of the Ombre Puff Quilt Along, if you are just now jo...
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2022 Puff Quilt Along  - Week 1: Plan

2022 Puff Quilt Along - Week 1: Plan

Welcome to the Ombre Puff Quilt Along! I'm so excited that you're here! . . A little about me.....
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Ombre Puff Quilt Along!

Ombre Puff Quilt Along!

It's been over a year since our last Ombre Puff Quilt along and I've really been itching to do an...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 8

Knitted Star QAL - Week 8

It's the final week of the Knitted Star Quilt Along! WAHOOOOO! If you're just now joining us, he...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 7

Knitted Star QAL - Week 7

It's the seventh week of the QAL, which means we made it to the catch-up week!  If you are just ...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 6

Knitted Star QAL - Week 6

It's Week 6 of the Quilt Along! This week, we are doing more block construction. It's a continua...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 5

Knitted Star QAL - Week 5

It's Week 5 of the Quilt Along! This week, we are doing more block construction. It's a continuat...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 4

Knitted Star QAL - Week 4

Hello lovely people! Things are moving right along, aren't they? It's Week 4 of the QAL, which me...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 3

Knitted Star QAL - Week 3

It's time to start sewing, ya'll! . . This week, we are piecing our Part A units! Before we get...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 2

Knitted Star QAL - Week 2

Let the fun begin! This week, we are cutting our pieces!  . . Take note that there are two diffe...
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Knitted Star QAL - Week 1

Knitted Star QAL - Week 1

Hello! Welcome to the Knitted Star Quilt Along! . . If we haven't "met", I'd like to introduce m...
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Knitted Star Quilt Along!

Knitted Star Quilt Along!

  The Knitted Star Quilt Along is underway! Week 1: Planning Week 2: Cutting Week 3: Sewing P...
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2nd Annual Vintage Lace Quilt Along

2nd Annual Vintage Lace Quilt Along

.Join me January 13th - March 3rd, 2020, for an 8 week Quilt Along as we create a Vintage Lace Q...
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Vintage Lace Quilt Along- Week 1

Vintage Lace Quilt Along- Week 1

Welcome to the Vintage Lace Quilt Along! I'm so excited to kick things off and create a Vintage L...
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Interwoven Quilt Along- Week 8

Interwoven Quilt Along- Week 8

FRIENDS! It's the last week of the Quilt Along! We are SO close! . . This week, we are sewing our...
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Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 7

Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 7

It is Week 7 of the Quilt Along, friends! We are so close to having a finished quilt top! . . Wh...
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Interwoven Quilt Along Week 6

Interwoven Quilt Along Week 6

It's Week 6 of the Quilt Along! Wahoo! . . It's our final week of making blocks, and I don't kno...
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Interwoven Quilt Along- Week 5

Interwoven Quilt Along- Week 5

Welcome to Week 5 of the Quilt Along! . This week, we are making more blocks! If you are cre...
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Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 4

Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 4

Welcome to Week 4 of the Quilt Along!  . This week, we are continuing to make our blocks. If you ...
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Interwoven Quilt Along- WEEK 3

Interwoven Quilt Along- WEEK 3

It's Week 3 of the Quilt Along! . . This week, we are starting to make our blocks! If you are ma...
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Interwoven Quilt Along- Week 2

Interwoven Quilt Along- Week 2

It's Week 2 of the Quilt Along! . . This week, we are cutting our strips and perfecting our se...
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Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 1

Interwoven Quilt Along - Week 1

Welcome to the Interwoven Quilt Along! I'm so excited you're here! . . We will spend the next 8...
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Interwoven Quilt Along

Interwoven Quilt Along

 I'm so excited to share that I will be hosting a Quilt Along for my best selling pattern, Inte...
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